Terms of Service.
By accepting this customised sleep plan:
I agree to follow safe sleeping practices in line with SIDS recommendations.
I agree to check with my GP if my baby has any medical conditions which prevent them from being sleep trained safely.
I agree to disclose any medical condition to the baby sleep consultant which my baby has.
I agree to the information surrounding my baby to be used in case studies, please note that no identifying information will be used, and all names will be changed.
I agree to pay the invoice prior to the consultation date and acknowledge that if the invoice hasn’t been paid that my customised sleep plan will not be written.
I agree to implement the sleep plan within 2 weeks of our consultation date. If not a reactivation fee may apply for the re-evaluation and amendments to the plan that might be needed. This is at the discretion of Ballarat Baby Sleep Co.
The 2 week’s follow up support will be implemented from your start date and used consecutively. I am unable to put sleep training on hold for any other reason except illness. This can be for a maximum of 2 weeks. After that there will be a restarting fee applied.
I understand that my customised sleep plan is meant for my baby/child and me only, and should not be shared with a third party.
I agree that any changes I make to my baby’s sleeping or eating arrangements are my decision and Ballarat BabySleep Co. only makes suggestions for change, which I am responsible for choosing to implement.
I understand that Ballarat Baby Sleep Co. will endeavour to respond to any emails, messages, or missed telephone calls within 24 hours.
I understand that Ballarat Baby Sleep Co. does not work on Sundays or Victorian Public Holidays. I therefore will not take phone calls or answer emails or other correspondence. Any correspondence received on a Sunday or Public Holiday will be answered on the following Monday or the next working day.
I understand that my sleep plan requires me to be 100% consistent and Ballarat Baby Sleep Co. is not responsible for the outcome if I do not follow the plan correctly. I agree that if I do not follow the sleep plan correctly and my child’s sleep does not improve I am not entitled to a refund.
I understand that if I do not follow the sleep plan correctly the results may not be achieved.
I understand that if Ballarat Baby Sleep Co. does not hear from me for a period of time, or if I miss a pre-arranged call/meeting time, it will assume that all is going well and no support is required.